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Pension Payment CalendarCheck mailed March 28, 2025Direct deposit March 31, 2025

Updating your Information

KCERA would like you to keep in touch if you experience certain life changes. If any of the situations listed below apply to you, please complete the appropriate form and return it to KCERA.

Beneficiary Change

Your designation of a beneficiary* is important. This is the person you name to receive retirement benefits in the event of your death. For example, if you die before retiring from KCERA, your beneficiary would be entitled to a refund of your contribution balance.

Therefore, it is very important that KCERA has your most current beneficiary information. If you need to designate a new beneficiary due to marriage, divorce or death, please complete the Beneficiary Designation Form and return it KCERA immediately.

Name Change

If your legal name changes for any reason, please update it with KCERA using the Name Change Request Form. Any legal documents that verify the reason for the name change (e.g., marriage license or divorce Judgment) should also be provided to KCERA.

Address Change

If you plan to change your residence or mailing address, please let KCERA know where to send official correspondence. You can update your address by completing and returning the Address/Direct Deposit Change Request Form.

(* Your beneficiary must be a living person with an insurable interest in your life. Members who are married or registered as domestic partners should designate their current spouse or partner.)