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Pension Payment CalendarCheck mailed March 28, 2025Direct deposit March 31, 2025

Death Benefits

Death benefits are payable to the designated beneficiary(ies) of an active KCERA member who dies before retiring. The benefits paid will depend on whether the member was vested or non-vested at the time of death and whether the death was job-related. Because the member’s beneficiary designation determines who receives the death benefits, please be aware of the following facts when making or updating your designation:

  • When you were hired, you designated a beneficiary on your Member Sworn Statement. Depending on life changes since then, you may need to update your beneficiary information using KCERA’s Beneficiary Designation Form. The most recently received designation form will replace older versions.
  • Even if you did not designate your current spouse or registered domestic partner as your primary beneficiary, California law requires KCERA to give priority to that person when paying certain retirement benefits. If you do not have a spouse or partner, you can designate your children, parents or siblings.

Below is a summary of the survivorship benefits payable after an active member dies. For more information about survivorship benefits, please consult the Member Handbook or contact the KCERA office.

Non-Vested: Less than 5 years of service 

Non-Job-Related Death

  • Basic Death Benefit: Lump-sum payment of member contributions plus lump-sum payment equal to one month of salary for each full year of service (up to six months’ salary).

Job-Related Death

  • Lifetime monthly allowance to eligible beneficiary* equal to 50% of member’s final compensation,** or
  • “Basic Death Benefit” if there is no eligible beneficiary.
Vested: More than 5 years of service 

Non-Job-Related Death

  • “Basic Death Benefit,” or
  • Lifetime monthly allowance to eligible beneficiary* equal to 60% of non-service-connected disability retirement benefit member would have received as of date of death,** or
  • Combined benefit.***

Job-Related Death

  • Lifetime monthly allowance to eligible beneficiary* equal to 50% of member’s final compensation,** or
  • “Basic Death Benefit” if there is no eligible beneficiary.
  • Combined benefit.***
Special Death Benefit (in addition to other applicable benefits): Death by physical violence on the job** 

Member's Children

Monthly benefit for eligible children (subject to applicable IRS benefit limits):

  • 1 Child: 25% of member's monthly service-connected disability retirement allowance ("disability benefit")
  • 2 Children: 40% of member's monthly disability benefit
  • 3+ Children: 50% of member's monthly disability benefit

Member's Surviving Spouse (Safety Members Only)

  • One-time lump-sum payment to eligilbe spouse/partner equal to a full year of member's pensionable salary as of date of death.

 * An “eligible beneficiary” can be a spouse or registered domestic partner to whom the member was married or registered for at least one year prior to the date of death. If there is no eligible spouse or partner, the member’s unmarried child(ren) under age 18 (up to age 22 if enrolled full-time in an accredited college) can be designated.

**A disability retirement application must be filed and granted before this benefit can be paid to the beneficiary.

***A “combined benefit” is available only to an eligible spouse/partner. It includes a lump-sum payment of one month’s salary for each full year of service credit (up to six months’ salary) and a monthly benefit reduced by the actuarial equivalent of the lump-sum payment based on the spouse/partner’s age.